Sometimes situations come up in life and you realize that you have a lot more to work on about yourself.
I just had a great lesson taught to me when I realized the root of some frustration I had been feeling for the last year. Actually a few more years than that but this year it really came into my vision.
So now I can work on it and improve myself even more.
I know that I am so imperfect. But I am thankful that I am able to continue to progress to be the person I really want to be once I realize what I need to change.
Oh I know...such deep thoughts! But it is true. I am not the person I want to be but I do know I am a work in progress.
Episode 2 JSH 1-26
This year, I'm excited to revisit and share some of my favorite episodes
from the podcast. The curriculum is the same, so these episodes are just as
3 days ago