Hello, Monday! Once again you have come. Wow! It's okay. You are inevitable.
So this weekend, I put together these little seed packets for our YW in Excellence that is coming up this month. I need to go find small seed-like candy to put in them. I think they turned out pretty cute. I tried to use all the value colors but there was not a pale gold for Virtue. Oh well. Yes, I could have used yellow but yellow is already used for one of the values. Oh well. Our theme is "Growing Strong in Courage". Seeds=growing. You see?
And here is the design I came up with for the seed packets... I wish I had added some lines to the flower pot to make it more interesting...oh, well.

Happy Monday! And happy Eeyore day! (Rainy=Eeyore...do you see my reasoning? Gray day, rainy...Eeyore is gray etc...)
Lori - LOVE this idea! i think you are in the right calling! Good luck with YW Evening of Excellence!
Thanks, Dana. Not so sure about that but I am trying...
Love the seed packets. So clever! The girls will love them.
Ohh..I love these!!! You are so clever!
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