"We believe in the resurrection of the dead, and that as Jesus came forth from the grave to everlasting life, his Spirit and body uniting again never more to be separated, so has he opened the way for every son and daughter of Adam, whether living or dead, to come forth from the grave to a newness of life, to become immortal souls, body and spirit, united, never to be severed any more" (Gospel Doctrine, p. 312). Love you, Jase. We are proud of you. We miss you. It's been a year of ups and downs. A lot of struggles with missing you...especially this first year. I can imagine that Easter and Conference are an amazing time where you are. You and Dad know that I miss you both so much. Words can't express how much I miss you. This time of year will forever be hard on us missing both of you. I love April Conference but it will always be a tender time for our family. I am so grateful for my Savior who gave his life for me. For all of us. Happy Easter. P.S. I love it that President Monson, during the Sunday morning session of Conference, spoke about a boy named Jason who also had to leave the earth too early. It is such a tender significance that his name is Jason on this day of the year mark of losing our Jason. Thank you President Monson. To me it feels like you were also talking about my brother. P.S.S. Added note...when my father passed away 18 years ago tomorrow, during conference a speaker spoke about a little boy named Jason whose father had recently passed away. The speaker wasn't talking about our family, but how amazing that it was a boy named Jason who lost his Dad and they spoke about it that weekend we lost our Dad. Truly, the heavens speak to us. To comfort us. I know our Jason is a very special spirit. No question. I truly believe that my brother has much to accomplish on the other side. That he was held back here on earth. That now he can accomplish what he was destined to accomplish. Sometimes I honestly wonder who my brother Jason is and what he is predestined to accomplish. I know he is someone so amazing. I know that more and more each day. No barriers block him now! |
I'm sorry this was a hard day for you, but I'm so glad you had conference to help you get through it. And how neat that President Monson talked about a Jason--I love those tender mercies. I actually know the family that President Monson talked about--the father works in our office, just down the hall from my desk. Wasn't President Monson so when he told that story? Also, I loved the picture of your Dad and Jason. It was so sweet!
Sorry about the disjointed comment--long day! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you!
Oops--I meant to say, wasn't President Monson so compassionate. It really has been a long day...but long for good reasons!
I bawled my eyes out during the talk of the boy Jason. I know how your family feels. But, we were able to do my brother's temple work a year after he died and it was such a wonderful experience. And you will get to have that.
Thinking of you
I thought about you over and over during President Monson's talk!! Amazing! I'm sorry it was a hard day. Hope this week is a great one!
Thanks all. I really am okay. I know he is in an amazing place and that he is able to finally accomplish what we know he had in him to accomplish. But yes we do miss him. Just like anyone misses a loved one.
I thought you might be interested to know that I just talked to my co-worker, who is the father that wrote the letter to President Monson about his son Jason who passed away. He said he didn't want to send the letter, but felt strongly like he should--never thinking that it would be part of a conference talk.
When I shared with him that President Monson talked about his son Jason exactly a year after your brother Jason died, and about how much it meant to you, he was very touched. So, I think Heavenly Father is using President Monson's talk to work miracles all around. Just thought you might want to know that.
P.S. I love that you included the part about the talk when your father died that mentioned a boy Jason whose father died. Isn't it amazing the way Heavenly Father works in our lives?
Jenn, I hope you read this. Please tell your co-worker that we are so grateful that he sent the letter in. It really touched our family. He was inspired.
I'll make sure to let him know!
Tender post. Thanks for being so open about your feelings -- you are such a kind and beautiful person~
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