So a sweet friend/co-worker/boss had her birthday celebrated today here at work. Miss Paula! Paula loves the trend of mustaches. So we had this planned for over a month. We are so glad that today finally came!

I drew the card for everyone to sign. Inside the cover of the card, I made a little pocket that holds 4 more mustaches. For her to choose from. Hehe.

Here is the card showing a little more of her face.

Here is the banner that Christy and Kathy put together on Friday. They are my co-workers.

And here are the chocolate mustaches that Kathy made.

We also sported fake pink fur mustaches. As it shows in the first photo of this posting...Paula is wearing one.
Happy birthday, cute Miss Paula! You are the BEST!
P.S. Can I tell you how much I love General Conference each 6 months? I feel so uplifted, so thankful, so grateful. A new favorite speaker: Mervin Arnold. He is a member of the Seventy. I am such a sap for feeling the spirit through our church leaders' emotions. It touches my heart.
P.S.S. And I am on the downward part of the hill for getting the book finished! I am SOOOOO excited!