It is your birthday today. Can't believe it has been so long since we have spoken. Or how long since I have given you some of those little eensy weensy pinches that you adore so much. Or that I somehow made you laugh. You are the one with all the clever little comments so it was always so fun when I got you to laugh.
I miss you, Jase. I truly believe and know you are doing great things. I can hardly believe it will be 5 years in April.
I hope Momma and Dad are giving you lots and lots of hugs today. And always. Give mom and dad a big hug for me. I have been really missing them this week.
Love you and happy birthday!!!
Episode 6 Doctrine and Covenants 10–11 “That You May Come Off Conqueror”
*Doctrine and Covenants 10–11*
This episode is about Satan and how much he wants to stop God’s work from
progressing. But never fear, the Lord’s “wisdom...
1 day ago