I keep thinking of how blessed I am. How grateful I am.
For my family...who is always there for me. Always around me.
For sweet friends. I don't have a lot but the ones I have mean so much to me.
For my health. My immune system has been on hiatus this last year it seems. But I know it is because of stress in a lot of ways. I have somehow let a lot of things get to me. It is amazing how the human body doesn't function as well when your mind is stressed. But I am getting healthier and healthier. Slowly but surely. And it reminds me of how grateful I am for good health.
For the gospel in my life. It truly is my foundation. Along with my family. Everything else is much better with these two foundations in my life.
It's a good day. Grateful for much.
Episode 6 Doctrine and Covenants 10–11 “That You May Come Off Conqueror”
*Doctrine and Covenants 10–11*
This episode is about Satan and how much he wants to stop God’s work from
progressing. But never fear, the Lord’s “wisdom...
23 hours ago