Some weekends are so wonderfully amazing! I had one of those. I had 4 huge things to work on...and I got them all done! I had a lesson to prepare and give for YW. (Check!) I guess it went OK. I am not the best lesson giver but I think the point went across well. We had 14 girls on Sunday! Usually our average is about 10. 15 is our capacity and that is with a girl visiting her father and she only comes once in a while. We were only missing one girl that also comes once in a while on Sundays. Lucky I had enough handouts!
Then I had a friend's children to draw for her newsletter. I do it for Jennifer every least I have for the last bunch of years. Here is a partial drawing of one of the kids. Don't want to give the drawing away in case you are on Jennifer's list. Maybe I will post the whole thing after a couple of weeks. Anyway I got that done! (Check!)

And third- I needed to once and for all go find various presents for a couple of friends who I mail a little something to each year
(Check!) and a few friends who I drop things off around town. I usually hand deliver their Christmas cards so I like to find something for them early in December. I delivered those. Except for one friend. Still need to deliver that. I also found something for the people in my work group!
So, all I have tonight is a Christmas party with some friends! Time to relax tonight. I think I deserve it.
Oh, and I always help my mom with her newsletter...I got that put together and run off! Oh, I am so good! ; ) (Check!) So an added item!
This week and next: my goals are to finish addressing Christmas cards that I will hand-deliver and (BIG ONE!) of course still figure out what to get for my siblings and their families etc... I usually make something for them but this year my mind is a blank. I do have an idea...but at this point it might take too long. Hmmmm. Think...think...think.
On a sad note, my sister Deb had to have her dog put to sleep this last week. She has had Opie for 15 years. It just makes me sad. Realizing that when I go to her house now, that little Oprah won't be there. Opie, we miss you! I miss her little head tilting to the side when she saw us eating, hoping that we would drop a piece or two for her. I miss her getting so excited to see everyone. I miss her gentle little spirit. She will be missed. I think I will always feel a little emotional when I stop by at my sister's.