I heard that on the radio...so, now it has to be nice weather, right?
(I hear it is supposed to snow again tomorrow...sigh!)

Had some fun visits with some friends and some family last night. One friend that I hadn't seen for 10 years! And a fun activity with the YW and YM of our ward.
Hah- I just saw a canadian goose fly by my work window. Since I was raised in Canada, I think of that and then think of Jase. I always wonder if he has some connection with them to remind me of him and dad. Because that is who I ultimately think of.
Just found out yesterday that a sweet older friend from my temple shift suddenly passed away the other day. I talk with him a lot at the temple. And I had planned to discuss something with him last week but got busy but I for sure planned to tell him tonight. We had a connection because we both lost a brother two years ago. Just a sweet man. (His twin-looking brother also used to be on my temple shift and he passed away two years ago.) I will miss them both dearly. Goodbye, Bro. Madsen. You will be missed. Thanks for being a sweet friend to me.