Sometimes situations come up in life and you realize that you have a lot more to work on about yourself.
I just had a great lesson taught to me when I realized the root of some frustration I had been feeling for the last year. Actually a few more years than that but this year it really came into my vision.
So now I can work on it and improve myself even more.
I know that I am so imperfect. But I am thankful that I am able to continue to progress to be the person I really want to be once I realize what I need to change.
Oh I know...such deep thoughts! But it is true. I am not the person I want to be but I do know I am a work in progress.
I love you more than ... French Fries!
Trying to figure out how to be smarter with my time and still document all
of these cards on my blog. This blog allows me to cross post to every
6 hours ago