Friday, November 23, 2012


I am thankful for my family. My sister Deb made a pie for me that was made with honey and whole wheat flour. It was a fun surprise to eat dessert with everyone. It isn't like I can't eat sugar. I just choose not to. And I don't miss it a bit. So I was just planning to not have dessert...believe me- I always fill up on the main course anyway. But it was a sweet surprise to find out my sister made a pie for me. That was so kind.

It was a good Thanksgiving. Sad that some family members weren't there but it was a fun surprise that Chels and Caitlyn stopped by. (I hope they survived their three Thanksgiving meals they were going to yesterday! I was done just with one!)

I have many blessings.  Many things to be thankful for. A family who loves me no matter what. The foundation of the gospel that guides me especially in these uncertain times we live in. A home that keeps me warm and comfortable. A job that helps me pay my bills. And friends who are here for me. I couldn't ask for more.

Happy Day After Thanksgiving!

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