Saturday, December 25, 2010

A fun Christmas

A fun time at Christmas. Mom and I spent Christmas Eve at Deb and Troy's. A wonderful dinner, watching The Nativity Story, and reading a Christmas message. Then more wrapping and bed.

This is the kids on Christmas morning.
I got a wacky Sing-a-ma-jig from Karen and Alan. Listen to one if you can. They are pretty funny. And his mouth moves when he sings or talks.
Troy and Marcus modeling the girls' pompoms. What funny guys!
My blonde bear from Deb and Troy. Cute and soft. and big!
And my VERY cute sock monkey made by my sister Deb. Isn't he so cute? He is quite stylish I think.
Goodness- I didn't nab any photos of the whole family getting together today. A ton of us. about 30 of us. It was a fun Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Good food, good visiting, and lots of unwrapping and mostly good visiting. I am SO grateful for my family. I love them so much.

And thanks for my little presents from "you-know who" x 2. Such fun little presents and thanks for my new supply of Lara bars! Yum!

And happy Boxing Day tomorrow...and happy birthday to my sweet brother Gary tomorrow too.

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