Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Friday!

Just a little note to say that I am very thankful for all that I have in my life. I really am grateful.

And here is a non-calorie, non-sugar cupcake... that you can pretend to eat. ; )
Happy Friday.

And just to thankful I am to serve at the temple.

p.s.s. and can I also add...can the weather be more odd today? Seriously, folks. Snow rain mix one minute...then to straight rain...then to blue sky...then about 5 minutes later, snow again. It's been doing this most of the morning. The sun is out at the moment with partly cloudy skies. It is cracking me up.

1 comment:

The Kammeyers said...

Mmmmm... that cupcake looks too good to not have calories or sugar in it! Anyway, I hope everything at the temple shift is going well - I'm sure it is. :)

One of the few things I don't miss about UT is that crazy, unpredictable weather. Hang in there & have a great weekend!