Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maybe I think too much?

So do you ever wonder, if for example, if the green of a leaf looks different to you than to another person? Yes, I know there is the color blindness thing...but without looking it up on the internet, I like to imagine that when someone sees a green leaf that to me that I see it totally different than you...maybe as boring as that we see different shades of green for that leaf. Like to you a certain green is always a lime green but to me it is kelly green. Like even as drastic as me seeing pink and you seeing blue or something like that. Hehe. Just my wacky thought process.
Okay so it's snowing today! Erk! Not sticking on the roads, but hello! Ah well. Better than the strong wind yesterday and the dirt that just hung in the air all evening.

Anyway, happy last day of March! Remember to say "rabbit, rabbit" tomorrow morning...first thing.


Jared and Ché said...

I really like this thought. :) Glad you posted it! Fun to see you last night!

Laura said...

I think we must see things differently. I mean, you're a gifted artist. I think you see colors that I can only imagine. But maybe I smell things differently or hear things differently. It all comes back to gifts!